oversimplify|oversimplified|oversimplifies|oversimplifying in English


simplify excessively, simplify too much

Use "oversimplify|oversimplified|oversimplifies|oversimplifying" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "oversimplify|oversimplified|oversimplifies|oversimplifying" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "oversimplify|oversimplified|oversimplifies|oversimplifying", or refer to the context using the word "oversimplify|oversimplified|oversimplifies|oversimplifying" in the English Dictionary.

1. I think counsel tends to oversimplify the issue somewhat.

2. 25 The TV documentary grossly oversimplified the problem.

3. My task has been to simplify the subject without oversimplifying, to distill without losing essence.

4. So the media oversimplified a few things, but in the end, it's just a news story.

5. For a wise government, banning advertising is imprudent way of oversimplifying a complex, but multifaceted issue.

6. Research shows a correlation between serotonin and Aggression risks oversimplifying the true mechanisms involved as other factors which influence or even cause Aggression is overlooked – The neural and hormonal regulation of Aggression is almost …

7. The problem with such Atomisms and their resulting dualisms—in this case the alleged isolation of genes from their environments—is that they are at best exaggerated and oversimplified, as demonstrated by the recent recognition of the importance of …

8. The Bosnian Bogomils or “Krstjani” The story of the Bosnian Bogomils, called “krstjani” (“christians”), has been oversimplified by those who see the period from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century as a glorious time in which the dualist church and state worked together and prospered.

9. The CHMP noted the position of the Applicant but considered that this oversimplifies the effect of all generated particles on the respiratory and alimentary tract and that it is difficult to define the role of the individual stages in terms of safety and efficacy, effects such as differences in breathing patterns, aerosol velocity in entering the airways and the shape of the plume must be taken into account